On this website you can find detailed information about what we do and how we may be able to help you in promoting and adhering to ethical principles in research, including obtaining ethics clearance for your research project. Our website also provides links to important web sites related to research ethics which may be of use to you.
SLMA ERC is recognized by the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Clinical Trials Registry. It is also recognized by the Sub Committee on Clinical Trials (SCOCT) of the National Medicinal Drugs Authority of Sri Lanka to give approval for phase 2 and 3 clinical trials that are conducted in Sri Lanka and is a member of the Forum for Ethics Review Committees (FERSL) in Sri Lanka.
SLMA ERC obtained recognition under the “Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER) of the Forum for Ethical Review Committees of Asia and the Western Pacific (FERCAP). FERCAP is a network of independently established regional fora for ethical review committees, health researchers and invited partner organizations involved in Research Ethics.
SLMA ERC meets every third Friday of the month.
The SLMA ERC office is located at the Sri Lanka Medical Association, No 6, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7.
The Office is open for protocol submission and related inquiries from Monday to Friday – 8.30 am to 3.30 pm. You could contact Ms. Nirmala Alahakone – ERC Secretarial Assistant for submission and other inquiries if needed.